
Fund for Falmouth Academy

Every Mariner. Every Day.

Each year, unrestricted funds provided by generous donors are immediately put to work through the Fund for Falmouth Academy, which ensures a meaningful and transformative educational experience for our students. 

Why is the Fund for Falmouth Academy so important?
Current students and faculty benefit every day!
FA students and faculty are the direct beneficiaries of the Fund for Falmouth Academy.  This unrestricted fund supports the work of our dedicated faculty, provides tuition assistance for our students, enables our sports teams to compete across the Cape, and helps students find their voice in rhetoric class or chorus rehearsal. It also helps pay for critical infrastructure improvements and provides support when unexpected expenses arise.

It makes FA accessible to all qualified students
Tuition, endowment earnings, and other revenue do not cover the full cost of an FA education. Currently, the Fund supports approximately 8% of the school's annual operating costs. From the moment the doors open in the fall, more than $1,700 of every student's learning experience is supported by gifts to the Fund for Falmouth Academy.

Participation counts!
Contributions to the Fund for Falmouth Academy increase a key fundraising benchmark: the "Participation Rate." The higher our rate, the greater our advantage as we compete for grants from foundations and other philanthropic organizations. These gifts exponentially impact the entire community, and your participation is key.

Maximize Your Gift Through Matching
Did you know that many employers match their employee’s contributions to non-profit organizations like Falmouth Academy?  Click here to find out if you qualify.  Matching gifts count as part of your total giving contribution and may increase your giving society level. Most importantly, they leverage your support of FA by doubling your donation!

Senior Parent Gift Fund
The Falmouth Academy Senior Parent Gift is an important part of the Fund for Falmouth Academy. Parents and families of the graduating class are invited to collectively donate to support a key project, initiative, or teacher professional development, or to build the endowment for the long-term benefit of the school, the faculty, and its students.

FA Giving Day
New in Spring 2025, we will invite the Falmouth Academy community to come together to celebrate the school through 24 hours of giving on April 8, 2025!

Aligning with Senior Teaching Day and Faculty Appreciation Day, this is a day to celebrate and honor the dedicated faculty, staff, and coaches at Falmouth Academy. We welcome all of our supporters—alumni, parents, parents of alumni, faculty, students, and friends—to share their gratitude for FA and to come together in the spirit of philanthropy. More information on FA Giving Day will be available soon!

Giving Societies

  • Founders Circle (gifts of $10,000 or more)
  • Revels Society (gifts of $5,000-$9,999)
  • Isti Mirant Stella Guild (gifts of $2,500-$4,999)
  • Athens/Sparta Club (gifts of $1,000-$2,499)
  • Head of School’s List (gifts of $500-$999)
  • Honor Society (gifts of $250-$499)
  • Scholars (gifts of $1 to $249)
  • Anchor Society (recurring giving in any amount)
Mailing Address
Falmouth Academy
7 Highfield Drive
Falmouth, MA 02540
Contact Information
Phone: (508) 457-9696

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