
Board of Trustees

Falmouth Academy Board of Trustees

Falmouth Academy is governed by a dedicated group of current and past parents, alumni, and friends of the school who serve as members of the Falmouth Academy Board of Trustees. 


List of 4 items.

  • Megan English Braga, Chair

    East Falmouth
  • Andy Kingman '00, Vice Chair

    North Falmouth
  • Sheila Giancola, Treasurer

  • Joan Holden, Secretary


Board Members

Kenneth Armstead, Edgartown
Benjamin Baum '99, Washington, DC
Andy Bowen, Woods Hole
Scott Brown '89, East Falmouth
Megan English Braga, Hatchville
Greg Clancy '97, Falmouth
Sheila Giancola, Pocasset
Mary Harrington, Falmouth
Ried Heywood, Falmouth
Joan Holden, Cataumet
Peter Jeffrey, Woods Hole
Andrew Kingman ’00, Essex
Luke McCabe, North Falmouth
Maura Bullock McSherry, West Falmouth
Robert Munier, Falmouth
Sean O'Neill '04, Forestdale
David Perry, Falmouth, Ex Officio
Adam Sholley, West Falmouth and Providence
Mindy Todd, East Falmouth

Trustees Emeriti

Ben Allen
Charles Bardelis
Jodee P. Bishop
Mardi Bowles
Beth Colt
Cynthia Feldmann
Ronald Garcia
Virginia Gregg
Elizabeth P. Heald
Lindsay Hopewood
Mark A. Hutker
Michael Jones
Russ Lemcke
D. Gordon MacLeod*
Eileen Miskell
Susan G. Morse
Charles Olson
Robert Reynolds
Joe W. Russell Jr.
Brett A. Sanidas
Laura Ryan Shachoy
Richard Sylvia
Keith von der Heydt

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